Workplace search for enterprises

Workplace search for enterprises

GoSearch offers features that easily scale with your ever-growing knowledge base so your enterprise can find information with ease.

Workplace search for enterprises
Connect with multiple data sources to automate your employee search experience

Connect with multiple data sources to automate your employee search experience

100+ connections like G-Suite, Jira, Figma, Notion, and more

Multiple data sources to aggregate resources in one place

Native Slack integration to search where your employees communicate

Automatic data syncing to eliminate any manual effort

Meets the demands of your scaling company

Meets the demands of your scaling company

Unlimited employee

Single source of truth for workspace resources that’s intuitive for your employees to use

Turnkey integration—no code needed

99.9% uptime SLA

Enterprise-grade security to give you peace of mind

Enterprise-grade security to give you peace of mind

2048 bit SSL encryption

Fault-tolerant AWS infrastructure

Data encryption in transit and at rest

GDPR and Privacy Shield compliant

Single sign-on: Okta, OneLogin, Azure AD, Google Workspace, Ping, and any SAML-based SSO

We are happy to accommodate any security reviews or procedure your company requires.

GoSearch brings all your workplace knowledge into one connected platform

Unlimited members

Unlimited connections

Auto syncing